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Bestimonial: Radmila M.

Confidence that Carries Me Forward

I started my personal training with Tom Sokol at Best Fitness on Central Avenue in Albany on November 28, 2016. Through Tom’s leadership, guidance and help, I went from 180 pounds down to 129 pounds as of this month (September 2017). I have reached and exceeded my weight loss and strength goals.

Previously, I had never been fit. The trainers and staff at this gym are very professional, welcoming, and friendly. Ben explained that I have a chronological age and a health age and that I can work to work to improve my health age. I now feel and look better than I did in college. The other trainers, Paul, Brett, and Kim, always say hello and also offer their encouragement. Lou is very welcoming at the front desk and always greets me by my name.

I began my training with Tom, after I completed physical therapy for arthritis of the knee cap. Tom introduced me to the training gradually and in amounts that I could handle, as he knew of my condition and that I had not been very active before. Since then, my knees are strong and pain-free. Tom and I train hard together, and that I what I want and why I am with him at this gym. Tom and I began training together one day a week and then increased our time together this April to two days per week, with the addition of one of his group training sessions. I am in the gym five days a week, and we recently have increased my cardio training to at least four days per week, at Tom’s helpful suggestion to address my concerns about my recent blood test from my annual physical.

When I began my training with Tom, I did not know what a dead-lift was, and I recently was able to dead-lift my own weight. I also could bench press 95 pounds, which Tom said indicated that I now am a strong woman. I have accomplished more that I knew would be possible with Tom’s help. When we started our training, I could not perform a burpee, and now it is my favorite movement because I always remember the breakthrough we had on the day that I finally could do it. In addition to strength training, Tom has encouraged me to have whole person well-being, through his sharing of his martial arts background.

I have regained my health and my beauty, and I have confidence and competence that carries forward into other areas of my life outside of the gym. Tom and I are nearing the one year anniversary of our training commitment, and I look forward to the progress that we will continue to make together!

** Results may vary from person to person.

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